Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

You can never, ever in a million years go wrong with a basic blk x white tee! I honestly don’t even know how I survived without this top! I just got it yesterday, and it was only $9 @ F21. WHERE HAVE U BEEN ALL MY LIFE !! #gratefultohaveyouinmyclosetnow

I had been meaning to buy one because I only have black and white tank tops, but having a long sleeve one is way more convenient and I feel more comfortable hiding my arms for some reason. #dontjudge

Literally guys, this is perf for every.single.day.allll day!

I would love to wear this top with my skinny blk jeans, my red booties, my fur coat, or my leather jacket! It is a simple+chic outfit, and add a scarf and you are good to hit the town!

Also I love a good RED lip to go w/ it 😉

XO dolls!


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